Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors and in-kind partners, United Way hosts a multitude of events, meetings, fundraisers, programs and more!
2023 Sponsors & In-Kind Partners
BarVino/BarWhiskey Building Consensus Busch's Florist & Greenhouse Central Bank Central Dairy Clayton Shepard/STE Services Coleyanne Co. Designs Dale Struemph/Sports Afield Real Estate Designs by Susie Fechtel Beverage & Sales Five Below GFI Digital Hawthorn Bank Healthy Blue Hitachi Energy Hy-Vee Jay Pelzer Productions/Tag Media Jefferson City Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Jefferson City Magazine Jefferson City News Tribune Jenna Holterman Joe Machens Capital City Ford Joyce Bremer Group KMIZ/ABC17/FOX22 KOMU KRCG Lincoln University/KJLU/JCTV Manna Creative Media/Adam Moss Mid America Bank Midwest Advertising Mid America Bank Midwest Advertising Millard Family Chapels Missouri Credit Union Missouri Dental Association Modern Litho/Brown Printing Rusty Drewing Automotive Group Samuel's Menswear Scholastic Septagon Construction Sommers Interiors Southbank Gift Company The Millbottom Unilever US Rents-It Wallstreet Group
And a special thank you to our Power of the Purse donors, Community Baby Shower donors, Dine United participants & Roadside Banner partners!