Fund Allocation


Every spring, community volunteers with a variety of backgrounds participate in the United Way Fund Allocation Process. Fund Allocation volunteers examine United Way partner agency operations, programs and finances and then recommend how much money should be allocated to each agency the following year. Funding recommendations are presented to the United Way Board of Directors for review and final approval. The work of volunteers ensures that donor dollars are used to achieve the greatest impact in the areas of health, education, financial stability and basic needs -- and that United Way of Central Missouri is accountable to its donors.

Volunteers are placed on one of six review panels, and each panel typically reviews 4-5 United Way partner agencies or initiatives. The volunteers dedicate 10-15 hours over five weeks from late February to the first week in April, meeting once each week. Each year, over 70 volunteers participate in the United Way Fund Allocation Process.

If you are interested in participating on a Fund Allocation panel, or have questions regarding the Online Grant Management System or the Fund Allocation process, please contact Theresa Verslues at 573-636-4100 or



Fund Allocation panel members will start meeting the week of February 24 and meet through April 4, 2025. Panel members will meet 5 times. Agency applications will be available February 10, 2025. All Fund Allocation meetings will be held at the United Way office. Panel members should allow 2 hours for each meeting.