For those organizations that do not want paper pledge cards, United Way can design a unique Giving Page specific to your organization on the United Way website to run your personalized campaign. United Way staff will download your Giving Page summary at the end of your workplace campaign, and a copy will be provided to your organization. (No need to complete electronic Employee Contribution (EC) form for this type of campaign.) To establish your personalized Giving Page, contact our office at 573-636-4100.
Please collect all cash/check donations through the completion of your campaign. (Do not send individual donations to the United Way in order to prevent donations from not accurately being matched to the appropriate organization.) Once all cash/check donations have been collected and your campaign is finalized, complete the electronic Employee Contribution (EC) form at with all pledges (cash/check, payroll deduction, bill me and bank draft) and include it and any cash/check donations in your campaign packet.