Our Goal: Meet Our Neighbors' Basic Needs
Together, we can ensure all families have a stable place to call home, food to eat and the support they need in times of crisis.
What We're Doing About It
Preventing or moving families out of homelessness.
We partner with agencies like The Salvation Army who provides case management to help families identify barriers to self-sufficiency (such as unemployment, insecure housing, lack of job skills, lack of childcare and more) and ways to address them by connecting families with community support organizations. Additionally, The Salvation Army provides emergency assistance to help with mortgage/rent, utility bills, clothing, medication bills and other needs in order to keep families in their homes. Agencies like Rape & Abuse Crisis Service (RACS) provides a safe place to go for those who are victims are domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Clients can also receive counseling, support groups, case management services and more.
Making sure no one goes hungry.
No one living in a thriving community should have to worry about where they'll find their next meal. Through our partner agencies and their services such as local food banks, hot meal providers and meal delivery services, we're giving individuals and families in need access to high-quality, nutritious meals and bridging the gaps so that families are fed. Together with our community partners, we also provide access to food pantries and pockets of low-income housing to ensure kids are fed when school is not in session.
Providing assistance in times of crisis.
Job loss, unexpected bills and unforeseen circumstances can happen to anyone. We provide a safety net and the 211 Helpline in times of crisis to help avoid foreclosure, utility cutoffs and more. We also stand to be ready in times of community-wide disaster, such as a tornado, flooding and pandemic. United Way remains committed to serving our community in times of critical need so that we may come together as one to help every neighbor recover and get back on their feet.
We're Seeing Results
bed nights & warm cots provided for men, women & children experiencing homelessness or abuse & neglect
pounds of food distributed to those experiencing food insecurity
pairs of shoes were provided to children in need