What is 2-1-1?
United Way 2-1-1 is here to help -- whether you’re an individual looking for help for your family or a nonprofit seeking better ways to serve your clients. By simply dialing 2-1-1 (or 800-427-4626), you can make one call to find or give help. A 2-1-1 Specialist will assist in finding health and human service resources close to your home. Services include referrals for basic human needs, physical and mental health resources, support for the elderly, people with disabilities, children, youth and families, and disaster assistance. 2-1-1 is free, accessible 24/7 and completely confidential. More information can be found at www.211helps.org.
Why doesn't 2-1-1 work for me?
If 2-1-1 is not yet active with your phone provider, you can reach the 2-1-1 call center by dialing (800) 427-4626.
Get more information at www.211helps.org.